About Me

I’m Sarah.

I never had lofty aspirations for myself. I wanted a job I didn’t hate where I felt I made a difference, I wanted to travel, I wanted to fall in love and have a family of my own.

And in so many ways my dreams came true. I have never hated any of my jobs, and quickly moved to working in charities and education, so I do feel like I make a difference. I have travelled in Europe, America and Africa and exploring the world is one of my favourite things to do. I fell in love and even better he fell in love with me too. We got married and made a family of our own with three miracle children.

And then he was diagnosed with cancer and died four months later.

So now I work at a job I’m still blessed not to hate to make sure we can eat, and when we travel the world I’m the solo parent on the plane trying to shepherd three kids like herding cats. And I have our family, but there’s a big hole left behind.

I love to write. I have always loved to write. And I still love to write. So that’s why I’m here. My writing won’t make sense of anything, but it might help me by writing it, and it might help someone else who reads it.