

This day five years ago was the last conversation I had with a husband who knew who I was. Of course, I didn’t know that it would be. The anniversaries of these things are perhaps a little weirder this year because the dates and days match up. Today, the calendar date that he last recognised…


Once upon a time, when the years had only just started beginning with a 2, I was at uni and my parents came to visit for the weekend. Which always meant a very good lunch and a reminder that life went on outside of the bubble of higher education where everyone is your age, social…


Fun fact. In 2018, when Harry and Meghan got married, the Lorraine show did a feature on what Mark Heyes, the fashion expert, thought the Royal Family would be wearing to the wedding. The day before the ceremony, they did a live special featuring lookalikes, as he styled them as they might be for the…


When I was a teenager I lived in DMs. I had a black pair and also a purple pair. Between our friendship group we all had a coloured pair, I was purple, friends were cherry red and royal blue. We also all had short suede skirts from Kensington Market that matched the colour of our…


The week before last (the one before half term) was not a good week. Life, whoever’s it is, comes with highs and lows, ups and downs, you win some, you lose some. Always has, always will. But when you have lost the someone who you used to win and lose with, the someone who held…


Earlier today a very nice man came and took the skip that he delivered, empty, this time last week, which I had filled up with stuff. He actually said it wasn’t quite full, but to my mind, it was quite full enough. Some of the stuff has come from the home transformation that has been going…


There’s a saying about parenting that you are only ever as happy as your unhappiest child. And I think there’s a truth in it somewhere. Obviously, coming up five years since Steve died, none of the four of us left are where we are when it was all happening. But the impact of watching your dad…


I don’t know if it’s a by product of having ended up in a life I feel like I didn’t choose, but I often go through waves of wanting to make big drastic changes to everything. I wonder if it is to do with trying to wrestle back some control. Of course there are many things in…


The changing of the year is always a weird one, because while New Year’s Eve is, for most people, a look back over the year passed and a look forward with hope and anticipation to the year ahead, it is, to me, the anniversary of the day that my life shattered. And so on top…


Another Christmas done. I’m a planner by nature (and kind of by profession) so I get a certain kick out of the pre-Christmas. Yes, it’s exhausting with all the things and being the only one to do it all, but I have my spreadsheets for the gifts to make sure that there are pretty much even…


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